Keep Your Door Open To Self-Discovery

3 Ways To Be Real With Who You Are Becoming

Keep seeking who you are becoming.

Through time, relationships, experiences, and life’s situations, we tend to close off who we are to become a survival version of ourselves.

There comes a point when the emotions and the weight of surviving will eat at you until you listen to the honesty of your soul is speaking.

You have to spread your wings, unlock the cage, drop the chains, and take off the mask.

Freedom to be and create in the world can’t be done through the lenses of survival. If you continue gripping to a repressed self that isn’t 100% authentic, you are eaten alive by the idea of what if.

Your truth is found in your real story. There one that is so honest, it cuts deep but it leads to the places you are meant to go.

You have to get real with how you got here. Who you are can’t be lived in until you stop lying to yourself and only telling the half story of the past.

The present and letting go of your survival state happens the moment you tell the whole truth. Your truth must become so pure, that you know exactly the experience you had to face to become who you are.

Who you are can only be present when you let your honesty unfold.

The Truth & Questioning Ourselves Is The Best Steps Forward

Questions are the best thing we can think about. They are the hardest things for us to truly sit with when we find ourselves in a position of not being fulfilled in life.

We try to avoid the truth, avoid thinking of what life could be, and avoid thinking of who we really see ourselves as if we were fulfilled.

Sometimes we can’t get ourselves to ask the right questions because we have become so comfortable to just getting by and thinking we have to keep doing this to survive.

Use the questions below to guide yourself towards getting real so you can start living a story you are inspired by instead of a story to keep surviving by.

3 Ways To Be Real With Who You Are Becoming

01) Take time to sit with yourself and your story.

What’s the truth behind your story?

How did you get here?

What parts of your story do you leave out or not tell yourself to keep yourself attached to a comfortable image of you?

02) Write out, type out, or even ponder on what you truly want.

What do you want?

What life have you always wanted to live?

What does that look like?

How is it different than the reality you are currently living?

03) Look at where you are, what you are thinking, and what decisions you are making right now.

If you stayed on the path you are on now, would you end up where you actually want to be?

If you kept taking the same steps, would you become a different version of you or would you sink to staying a repressed version?

If you kept thinking the same thoughts, would you make decision that align with who you “say” you want to become?

Today’s Post Is Brought To You By Humming Flux

Humming Flux Expression Roast is perfect for this season with notes of warm spice, herbs, chocolate, and a buttery body.

Order yourself a bag or give it as a gift. Or both.

Wake up with a cup of coffee that brings you inspiration to create.

In abundance,

Ashton Brooke

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