Read This: Stop Waking Up To a Life You Don’t Enjoy

3 Steps To Wake Up To A New You

Not waking up to the life you want is what’s stopping you.

Waking up to a life that you are tired of, keeps you tired. It keeps you in the bed of comfort because the lies tell you there is nothing else for you.

If this is you and you’ve felt stuck, you are listening to the wrong message.

It’s not just a different life you want, it’s a different timeline.

oooooh…yeah, that hits deeper.

If waking up is the hardest part, you have to go do something that makes you jump out of bed because you want to keep working on it every day.

— Ashton Brooke (@heyashtonbrooke)
Jun 16, 2023

Imagine waking up refreshed and excited to keep creating a life you enjoy. That’s what it feels like to show up on a different timeline.

It’s not just the routine that changing, it’s changing the entire environment and energy.

You have to change the energy that you show up with for the day, not just your mindset or anything else you could “try to change.”

Change Needs Discomfort

You need an emotional trigger to change your body’s response to living a different life. It’s not just a suggestion, it’s a requirement.

Change starts by creating an emotional response to a new outcome in life.

I have a question for you…

Are you being emotionally pulled to show up as who you say you want to be or are you being sucked into the guilt of where you are?

Ashton Brooke

I want you to answer this question to yourself with full honesty.

No fluff, no but, no I have been this way because of.

When you take all external environment borders off, what do you see?

The answer: You must see YOU.

Action: Be willing to create a new routine and test your mind.

There’s no challenge to creating a new strategy for life without seeing your starting point.

The truth is, you’ll have many starting points but every day is another day.

You just have to get faster at starting again and not stopping by continuing to show up for you to build your own self-trust.

3 Steps To Wake Up To A New You

  1. Be honest with yourself.
  2. Emotionally connect to the new outcome you see for your life.
  3. Build your self-trust by being accountable to what you said you will do.

Today’s Newsletter is brought to you by Humming Flux Coffee

Feel inspired by your morning brew with Humming Flux, whiskey-infused coffee. 100% organic beans, 0% alcohol volume.

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